Department of Absolute Shameless Self Promotion

Articles, Letters, Interviews, Photos and Video clips  about ME, Bob Tedrow and the Concertinas I build here at  Homewood Music 

Alex and I (well, mostly Alex) on local public radio
March 12 2009

Dear Bob

Letters Letters, Letters, wade through them.



Would you like to see my shop on local Television? It's my 2.5 
minutes of local fame playing banjo and concertina. (choose your favorite format)

1974  Onstage, Colorado State University with future brother in law My ten year old concertinist daughter Alex and I onstage

1988 Birmingham News article "Mending the Music" page2 2003 #3  The Oxford American: Annual Southern Music Issue
1990  Limelight Magazine article "Music Mender Bob Tedrow"  page1page 2 2003 #4 Portico Magazine interview
1993 Birmingham News "Just a Chat with Bob Tedrow" Perhaps you would like to hear my interview on Swedish Public Radio  (sorry, Stockholm)
2001 Birmingham News article  "Local Eccentrics:  Bob Tedrow"  (hmm.)

More to come, stay tuned

Tedrow Concertina featured in Punk Rock Confidential

2001  Birmingham News article "Just a Chat with Bob Tedrow" (what, again?) Read about the 2003 Tedrow Concertina Tour
2003 #1 Birmingham Magazine article "Doing things the Old Way" 1955  An intimate portrait of the young Bob Tedrow age 2, composing one of his first solo movements
2003 #2 Birmingham News "Making Music"  2008 Another little TV spot, we're locally famous you know.

2009 Unpublished interview

2009  Portico Magazine article nice pictures!

2010 B-Metro Magazine.  Can you believe anyone cares what I have to say?  My family doesn't.

2011 Hear my interview on Birmingham  Mountain Radio
Segment #1   Segment #2