More Duet Concertinas

This is a splendind Wheatstone McCann duet. As you can see from the two examples on this page, large duets are quite common. Since they were played by professionals, they were usually the best quality instruments made.
This Wheatstone Crane duet has tortoise-shell ends and a lovely tone. Duets are often available for less than an equivalent quality English or Anglo and you often get a wider range, more buttons, or more overlap. You might have a harder time finding a teacher though!
This magnificent instrument is a ten sided Hayden Duet made by Colin and Rosalie Dipper. (Thanks to Chris Timson for the picture) I believe Colin made his first concertinas around 1970. If you had ordered this one then and you got it today it would be worth the wait. After all it takes longer than that to make a lawyer.

Anglo Concertinas, English Concertinas,

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